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The Cluster of Humanistic AI

Interaction with humans

En menneskehånd mødes med en robot

One essential part of the field that is humanistic AI is the interaction between the AI-technology and humans themselves.

The Cluster of Humanistic AI

Interaction with humans

En menneskehånd mødes med en robot

One essential part of the field that is humanistic AI is the interaction between the AI-technology and humans themselves.

AI can be used in a variety of ways and for a lot of different purposes, but when an algorithm has made something like a prediction, a human needs to be able to interpret that result in the other end. The way AI results are understood and interpreted by humans is a big part of the domain regarding interactions between Artificial Intelligence and humans. The prediction is not necessarily valuable in and of itself, it is in the interpretation and or interaction process that it gets value, and can be used in a variety of different fields.