Department of Communication and Psychology (Aalborg University)
Welcome to the Cluster of Human-centered AI

Department of Communication and Psychology (Aalborg University)
Welcome to the Cluster of Human-centered AI

The Human-centered AI (HUMAI) cluster is a three-year research initiative funded by the Department of Communication & Psychology (Faculty of Humanities) and dedicated to identifying, joining, coordinating, and supporting all AI research taking place at the department. Through its funding, the HUMAI cluster aims to support all types of research products (e.g., publications, pilot projects, workshops), network activities and funding applications related to AI. On this website you are able to read more about the different focus points the cluster has.
You can down below see the three main domains this cluster is working with. By clicking on them you will be able to read more about what the domains entail, which projects the cluster already have funded and the researchers that are doing each project.
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