
Aalborg University Create Campus

Erasmus Media Arts Cultures

Transition Regimes: Cultures of Media Art MicroPOM Symposium Aalborg

What is the status of the transitions and their regimes of information technologies today? In a two-day symposium, MicroPOM Aalborg will untangle this question through the eyes of established and emerging media art practitioners and scholars.

Aalborg University Create Campus

Foyer Area and adjacent rooms, Big Auditorium, ArT Rooms 1st floor, City space locations in Aalborg, Nordkraft (Art & Tech BA Exhibition).

  • 10.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:00

  • English

  • On location

Aalborg University Create Campus

Foyer Area and adjacent rooms, Big Auditorium, ArT Rooms 1st floor, City space locations in Aalborg, Nordkraft (Art & Tech BA Exhibition).

10.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:0010.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:00


On location

Erasmus Media Arts Cultures

Transition Regimes: Cultures of Media Art MicroPOM Symposium Aalborg

What is the status of the transitions and their regimes of information technologies today? In a two-day symposium, MicroPOM Aalborg will untangle this question through the eyes of established and emerging media art practitioners and scholars.

Aalborg University Create Campus

Foyer Area and adjacent rooms, Big Auditorium, ArT Rooms 1st floor, City space locations in Aalborg, Nordkraft (Art & Tech BA Exhibition).

  • 10.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:00

  • English

  • On location

Aalborg University Create Campus

Foyer Area and adjacent rooms, Big Auditorium, ArT Rooms 1st floor, City space locations in Aalborg, Nordkraft (Art & Tech BA Exhibition).

10.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:0010.05.2022 10:00 - 11.05.2022 19:00


On location

MicroPOM: Transition Regimes – Interventions, Exhibitions, Screenings, Talks and more…

Revisiting Susan Leigh Star’s notion of transition regimes, the symposium re-evaluates the shifts occasioned by widespread new technologies. In 1996 she wrote in the Cultures of Computing, “We don’t yet know, and in some larger sense, may never know, exactly what it is we have gained and lost in the wholesale adoption of information technology and integrated media. Because computers are at once intimate and impersonal, tied up with work, education, and entertainment, they may be so woven into the fabric of our lives that ‘standing back’ is completely an illusion.” Now, more than 25 years later, this notion is still as relevant as ever.

Where are we with these transitions today? And what is the role of Media Art in those transitions?

Media Arts are traditionally understood as either a representation of new information technologies, or a driving motor of new perceptions and experiences. As computing is woven so deeply into the fabric of our lives, its ‘cultures’ become increasingly ubiquitous. Everything in our lives is mediated, including ourselves. In the words of Star, computers are “not trojan horses but trojan doors – unfolding out into worlds embedded in each other without end…” 

The programme includes

  • an exhibition/interventions by MA Media Arts Cultures and BA Arts & Technology students;
  • the Library Of Danish Media Art Publications curated by Alessandro Ludovico, Mogens Jacobsen, and Morten Søndergaard;
  • Featured: Lockdown City. Pinhole photographies by mediaAC alumna Diana Pankova;
  • creenings of films and documentaries by emerging artists;
  • and talks by Tanya Toft Ag, Mogens Jacobsen, Alessandro Ludovico, Max Hattler, HC Gilje, Diana Pankova, Marie Højlund, and Morten Søndergaard 

The full programme is online here


MicroPOM is the subformat of the international conference series POM - Politics of Machines. It makes local media art worlds and environments visible, critiques existing politics of the field, and suggests new policies and manifestos.

Schedule - MicroPOM

Tuesday May 10th 

10.00h : Official Opening of MicroPom. Location: Big Auditorium.

11.00h–18.00h : Exhibitions, Screenings, and Interventions open. Entrance Free.

15.00–16.30h : LASER Panel 1 with Tanya Toft Ag, Mogens Jacobsen, and Alessandro Ludovico. Moderated by Morten Søndergaard. Location: Big Auditorium, CREATE Campus. Entrance Free. Also streamed online. More info and registration here.

17.00h: Official Opening of Temporary Library.

Wednesday May 11th

11.00h–18.00h : Exhibitions, Screenings, and Interventions open. Entrance Free.

10.00h – 11.30h : LASER Panel 2 with Max Hattler, HC Gilje, Diana Pankova, Marie Højlund. Moderated by Morten Søndergaard. Location: Big Auditorium, CREATE Campus. Entrance Free. Also streamed online. More info and registration here.

17.00h–19.00h : Sound Art Concert by MediaAC students.

19.00h– Closing Drinks

Leonardo Laser Talks

Erasmus Media Arts Cultures

LASER talks

Erasmus Media Arts Cultures

LASER talks