The PhD specialisation in Music Therapy
PhD Theses

The PhD specialisation in Music Therapy
PhD Theses

Devlin, Kerry (2024): Perspectives on perspective: Exploring the impact of therapist perspective on client experience in music therapy
Bøtker, Julie Ørnholt (2023): The kaleidoscope of authenticity: Experiences, descriptions, and applications of authenticity in music education, music therapy, and music performance.
Goodman, Karen (2023): The Music Therapy Supervisor: Developmental Perspectives
Rudstam, Gabriella (2023): Trauma-focused Group Music and Imagery with Women Suffering from PTSD or CPTSD: A Randomized Controlled Study
Krøier, Julie Kolbe (2022): Exploring person-attuned musical interactions in dementia care. Flexible research design
Honig, Timothy (2022): Guided Imagery and Music for Persons with Depression. A Three-Part Investigation.
Yakobson, Dana (2021): A Family Tune: Music Therapy with Preterm Infants and Their Parents: a mixed methods study
Anderson-Ingstrup, Jens (2020): A flexible fit. Developing a suitable manual framework for person attuned musical interaction in dementia care through a realist approach.
Papanikolaou, Evangelia (2020): Receptive Music Therapy in Oncology: Guided Imagery and Music During the Course of Active Treatment for Breast and Gynecologic Cancer. A Two-Part Preliminary Investigation
Stenderup, Tove (2020): Musikalsk samvær i den socialpædagogiske indsats med mennesker med erhvervet hjerneskade: Et kvalitativt forskningsprojekt i et aktionsforskningsperspektiv
Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler (2019): The Development of Therapeutic Alliance in Music Therapy with Forensic Psychiatric Patients with Schizophrenia – an Exploratory Case Study Research Design
Gerge, Anna (2018): Psychotherapeutic development. Assessment of Pictures through development of the SATPA – a safety assessment tool of pictorial artefacts
Hart, Susan (2018): Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Development Scale. Investigating Reliability and Validity Including Correlations with The Marschak Interaction Method and The Neuroaffective Mentalizing Interview
Johns, Unni Tanum (2018): Musical dynamics in time-limited intersubjective child psychotherapy – an exploration based on microanalysis of therapeutic interplay
Story, Kristin Maya (2018): Guided Imagery and Music with Military Women and Trauma: A Continuum Approach to Music and Healing
Wärja, Margareta (2018): Arts-based Psychotherapy for Women Recovering from Gynecological Cancer: A randomized trial evaluating the effects on psychological outcomes
Eslava, Juanita (2017): The Attention Profile in Music Therapy Assessment for Children. Development and Pilot Study of Validity and Reliability
Hertrampf, Ruth (2017): Keyboard of Life
Coomans, Anke (2016): Moments of resonaNce in musical improvisation with persons with severe dementia. An interpretative phenomenological study
Gottfried, Tali (2016): Creating bridges: Music-Oriented Counseling for Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sørensen, Mariann Bjerregaard (2016): Sundhedskommunikation i psykologisk og filosofisk belysning. - Hvem, hvorfor og hvordan?
Geretsegger Monika (2015): Promoting social communication through music therapy in children with autism spectrum disorder. Multidimensional investigation: Systematic review, RCT study protocol, treatment guide, feasibility study
Torres, Esperanza (2015): Efectiveness of GRPMI with Fibromyalgia Patients
Blom, Katarina Mårtenson (2014): Experiences of Transcendence and the Process of Surrender in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) - Development of New Understanding through Theories of Intersubjectivity and Change in Psychotherapy
Chen, XI JING (2014): Music Therapy for Improving Mental Health Problems of Offenders in Correctional Settings
Leith, Helen (2014): Music therapy and the resettlement of women prisoners: A mixed methods exploratory study
McDermott, Orii (2014): The Development and Evaluation of Music in Dementia Assessment Scales (MiDAS)
O’Kelly, Julian (2014): The Development of Evidence Based Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness
Ottesen, Aase Marie (2014): Anvendelse af musikterapi og dementia care mapping i en læringsmodel til udvikling af musiske og interpersonelle kompetencer hos omsorgsgivere til personer med demens - et casestudie med en etnografisk tilgang
Skov, Vibeke (2013): Art therapy. Prevention against the development of depression
Storm, Sanne (2013): Research into the Development of Voice Assessment in Music Therapy
Beck, Bolette Daniels (2012): Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) with adults on sick leave suffering from work-related stress – a mixed methods experimental study
Christensen, Erik (2012): Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience
Hald, Søren (2012): Music Therapy, Acquired Brain Injury and Interpersonal Ccommunication Competencies.
Jacobsen, Stine Lindahl (2012): Music Therapy Assessment and Development of Parental Competences in Families Where Children Have Experienced Emotional Neglect - An Investigation of the Reliability and Validity of the Tool, Assessment of Parenting Competencies (APC)
Maack, Carola (2012): Outcomes and Processes of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and its Adaptations and Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy for Women with Complex PTSD
Sanfi, Ilan (2012): The Effects of Music Therapy as Procedural Support on Distress, Anxiety, and Pain in Young Children under Peripheral Intravenous Access
Bergström, Märith (2011): Music and Vibroacoustic Stimulation in People with Rett Syndrome –A Neurophysiological Study
Jonsdottir, Valgerdur (2011): Music-caring within the framework of early intervention. The lived experience of a group of mothers of young children with special needs, participating in a music therapy group
Schwantes, Melody (2011): Music Therapy’s Effects on Mexican Migrant Farmworkers’ Levels of Depression, Anxiety and Social Isolation: A Mixed Methods Randomized Control Trial Utilizing Participatory Action Research
Hooper, Jeff (2010): The development of Criteria for defining sedative music, and its impact on adults with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disability and challenging behavior
Lindvang, Charlotte (2010): A Field of Resonant Learning. Self-experiential Training and the Development of Music Therapeutic Competencies. A Mixed Methods Investigation of Music Therapy Students’ Experiences and Professional’s evaluation of their own competencies
Kerem, Dikla (2009): The effect of music therapy on spontaneous communicative interactions of young children with cochlear implants
Kim, Jinah x (2009): The Effects of Improvisational Music Therapy on Joint Attention Behaviours in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Summer, Lisa (2009): Client Perspectives on the Music in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
Schou, Karin (2008): A Randomised Controlled Trial RCT of the Effect of Guided Relaxation with Music GAM on Anxiety, Pain, Mood, Satisfaction with Hospital Stay, and on Length of Hospitalisation in Cardiac Valve Surgery Patients.
Nygaard-Pedersen, Inge (2007): Counter transference in music therapy. A phenomenological study on counter-transference used as a clinical concept by music therapists working with musical improvisation in adult psychiatry.
Odell-Miller, Helen (2007): The practice of music therapy for adults with mental health problems: the relationship between diagnosis and clinical method.
Rolvsjord, Randi (2007): "Blackbirds singing": An Explorational study
Bonde, Lars Ole (2005): The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) with Cancer Survivors: A Psychosocial Study with Focus on the Influence of BMGIM on Mood and Quality of Life
De Backer, Jos (2005): Music and Psyshosis - the Transition from Sensorial Play to Musical formby psychotic Patients in a Music Therapeutic Process.
Baker, Felicity (2004): The effects of song singing om improvements in affective intonation of people with traumatic brain injury.
Garred, Rudy (2004): An Inquiry into the Role of Music and of Words in Creative Music Therapy.
Gold, Christian (2003): An analysis of long-term Music Therapy intervention with mentally ill Children and Adolescents in Austria
Ridder, Hanne Mette (2003): Singing Dialogue. Music therapy with persons in advanced stages of dementia. A case study research design.
Elefant, Cochavit (2002): Enhancing Communication in Girls with Rett Syndrome through Songs in Music Therapy.
Holck, Ulla (2002): "Kommunikalsk" sammenspil i musikterapi. Kvalitative videoanalyser af musikalske og gestiske interaktioner med børn med betydelige funktionsnedsættelser, herunder børn med autisme".
Aasgaard, Trygve (2002): Song Creations by Children with Cancer - Process and Meaning.
Hannibal, Niels J. (2001): Præverbal overføring i musikterapi - kvalitativ undersøgelse af overføringsprocesser i den musikalske interaktion.
Moe, Torben (2001): Restituerende faktorer i gruppeterapi med psykiatriske patienter - baseret på en modifikation af Guided Imagery and Music (GIM).
Aldrige, Gudrun (1998): Die Entwicklung einer Melodie im Kontext Improvisatorischer Musiktherapie.
Mahns, Wolfgang (1998): Symboldannelser i den analytiske musikterapi med børn. - Et kvalitativt studie i betydningen af musikalske improvisationer i musikterapi med skolebørn. (Written in German)