
Positioning Theory Virtual Series - Spring 2024

In 2024 the PT virtual series will start up again, continuing the dialogue among the international community of PT scholars and others interested. Point of departure will be the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory with contributing authors presenting
ideas from and reflections on their chapters. Each session will contain two presentations followed by 10-15 minutes of discussion. The sessions will be recorded and available on Youtube at a later date.

Positioning Theory Virtual Series - Spring 2024

In 2024 the PT virtual series will start up again, continuing the dialogue among the international community of PT scholars and others interested. Point of departure will be the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory with contributing authors presenting
ideas from and reflections on their chapters. Each session will contain two presentations followed by 10-15 minutes of discussion. The sessions will be recorded and available on Youtube at a later date.

Call for proposals

1. Thursday, January 25, 2024, 9am-10:15 am Eastern Time

Talk #1: An Introduction to Positioning Theory Past and Present

Mary McVee, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Luk Van Langenhove, Free University of Brussels
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtf--spzotG9RW41FE9qhzOqK2Wpfw4iz2


2. Thursday, February 29, 2024, 9am-10:15 am Eastern Time

Talk #1: Positioning, Preschool Children, and Cultural Psychology

Carolin Demuth & Bo Allesøe Christensen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Talk #2: Positioning, Narrative Practices, and Positioning Theory

Michael Bamberg, Clark University
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuduygpzIoHNebJmKy9TxmcqZ0x9S24Hwq


3. Thursday, March 28, 2024, 9am-10:15 am Eastern Time

Talk #1: Positioning and Goffman

Cynthia Gordon, Georgetown University

Talk #2: Positioning Theory in Online Environments

Vanessa Dennen, Florida State University
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlfuCrpjMrHN1fY_lI5GARQSr8HfJAxyZu


4. Thursday, April 25, 2024, 9am-10:15 am ET Eastern Time

Talk #1: Positioning in Science Education

Maria Varelas, University of Illinois Chicago
Felicia Mensah, Teachers College Columbia University
Maria Rivera Maulucci, Barnard College USA

Talk #2: Positioning, Emotions, and Emotional Positioning

Johanna Lönngren, Umeå University
Maria Berge, Umeå University
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlf--rrTgtH90c8rTnr42GljnIkN3-3yK9


5. Thursday, May 30, 2024, 9am-10:15 am Eastern Time

Talk #1: Positioning Theory as Design Principle to Negotiate Rights and Duties and Center Equity in Literacy Research

Katherine K. Frankel, Boston University
Susan S. Fields, Texas A&M
Ashley Houston-King, Boston University

Talk #2: Examining Varieties of Positioning: Considerations from the Past to the Present and into Future

Pauline Harris, University of South Australia
Rick Fisher, Thilina I. Wickramaarachchi, & Cynthia Brock, University of Wyoming
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tceyqrz4tHtdyASfmOMWCau4OdChtFCRo


6. Thursday, June 20, 2024, 9am-10:15 am Eastern Time

Talk #1: Using Strategic Communication Discourse Processes in Positioning Practice

Melanie James, University of Newcastle, Australia
Deborah Wise, Charles Sturt University, Australia

Talk # 2: Positioning Theory and Interactional Ethnography:Complementary Approaches to Examining Positions and Positioning Processes

W. Douglas Baker, Eastern Michigan University
Krisanna Machtmes, Ohio University
Judith Green, University of California, Santa Barbara
Link to Registration: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqc--srT8sHt3ZcQYtvT-kpWTuo1iXqBce
